
Во второй день визита Матильда и Мария-Тереза посетили выставку "История отсутствия смеха"

The duo paused to look at paintings by René Magritte, including Alice in Wonderland (pictured)
Выставка полностью называется "История отсутствия смеха. Сюрреализм в Бельгии". Её Матильда уже посещала.

https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/04/17/14/83758981-13319137-image-a-10_1713360316388.jpg https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/04/17/14/83758979-13319137-image-a-17_1713361025615.jpg

The Belgian monarch, 51, took the Duchess, 68, to the impressive Surrealism: A History Without Laughing exhibition at the Bozar centre for fine arts. Pictured by The Listening Room by René Magritte

The Surrealism exhibition highlights the work of artists such as Max Ernst, Yves Tanguy, Salvador Dalí (artwork pictured) and Giorgio De Chirico and is on until June 16

Maria Teresa seemed to adopt the same stylistic choice, instead choosing leaf green, with a belted design

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